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Short CV

Martin is a PreDoc researcher at the Data Science Research Unit (DS-IFS) at the department of Information Systems Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). He received his MSc in Software Engineering & Internet Computing from TU Wien in 2022 and BSc in Software & Information Engineering from TU Wien in 2019.

He has published articles in refereed journals and papers at international conferences.

His research interests cover a broad spectrum of secure data infrastructures, virtual research environments, FAIR data and digital repositories.

He currently leads an open reading group dealing with trusted research environments and FAIR sensitive data that meets every first Tuesday of the month 15:00 c.t. at his office. Everybody is welcome to join after a short notice via e-mail.

Publication Highlights

  1. David, R., Rybina, A., Burel, J.-M., Heriche, J.-K., Audergon, P., et. al (2023). "Be Sustainable": Recommendations for FAIR Resources in Life Sciences research: EOSC-Life's Lessons. The EMBO Journal, pp. e115008. DOI: 10.15252/embj.2023115008
  2. Ekaputra, F. E., Weise, M., Flicker, K., Salleh, M. R., Rahman, N. A., Miksa, T., & Rauber, A. (2022). Towards A Data Repository for Educational Factories. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data and Software Engineering, pp. 149-154. DOI: 10.1109/ICoDSE56892.2022.9971958
  3. Weise, M., Staudinger, M., Michlits, C., Gergely, E., Stytsenko, K., Ganguly, R., & Rauber, A. (2022). DBRepo: a Semantic Digital Repository for Relational Databases. International Journal of Digital Curation, 17(1), 11. DOI: 10.2218/ijdc.v17i1.825
  4. Weise, M., Kovacevic, F., Popper, N., & Rauber, A. (2022). OSSDIP: Open Source Secure Data Infrastructure and Processes Supporting Data Visiting. Data Science Journal, 21. DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2022-004

Project Highlights

  1. NEWSROOM, 2023-2025: Critical infrastructure protection. Cyberspace has become an increasingly contested military domain. To mitigate significant incidents with immediate consequences for both military and civil critical infrastructures, strategic cooperation among EU member states and allied countries in cyber defence is needed.

  2. Shared RDM, 2023-2025: Shared RDM Services and Infrastructure. The goal of the project is to create a framework to offer selected tools and infrastructures in the field of FDM as shared services for selected Austrian universities and research institutions. This bundling of different expertise creates a sensible use of resources and promotes interoperability, standardization and the connection to international initiatives.

Teaching Highlights

  1. Introduction into Research Data Management VU, 2023
  2. Data Stewardship VO, 2023
  3. Data Stewardship UE, 2023