
Lujić, I., De Maio, V., Brandić, I. (2020) Resilient Edge Data Management Framework, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 13-4.
Lujić, I., Truong, H. (2019) Architecturing Elastic Edge Storage Services for Data-Driven Decision Making, Springer, European Conference on Software Architecture.
Lujić, I., De Maio, V., Brandić, I. (2018) Adaptive Recovery of Incomplete Datasets for Edge Analytics, IEEE, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2018).
Lujić, I., De Maio, V., Brandić, I. (2017) Efficient Edge Storage Management Based on Near Real-Time Forecasts, IEEE, 2017 IEEE 1st International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC).