Hanbury, A. (2019) Challenges in developing a search system to support radiologists, Advances in Information Retrieval. 41st European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019, Cologne, Germany, April 14-18, 2019, Cologne, Germany.
Hanbury, A. (2019) Some Biases in Data Science, Austrian Computer Science Day, Wien.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Credibility of sources, content, and algorithms, Fake News and other AI Challenges for the News Media in the 21st Century, panel member for the discussion on "Solving Ethical & Technical Challenges of Fake News", Wien.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Data Intelligence und Recht, Working group "Perspektiven der Rechtsetzung" of the Directorate of the Austrian Parliament, Wien.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Unstructured Information in Data Science: Word Relatedness from Word Embedding, Data Science Society Meet-Up, Vienna.
Zlabinger, M., Andersson, L., Hanbury, A., Andersson, M. (2018) Medical Entity Corpus with PICO elements and Sentiment Analysis, International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Word Embedding and Applications, U Wien Inter-Faculty Research Centre on Computational Complex Systems Meeting: Drawing Insights from Complex Data, Wien.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Word Relatedness from Word Embedding in Information Retrieval, Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE), Gandhinagar, India.
Lipani, A., Roelleke, T., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2018) A systematic approach to normalization in probabilistic models, Information Retrieval, 21-6.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Word relatedness from Word Embedding in text analysis and information retrieval, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Lexical and Statistical Semantics in Professional Search, Semantics 2018 conference, Wien.
Hanbury, A. (2018) Maschinen als Begleiter: Wie digitale Assistenten zum Alltag werden, Austrian Press Agency Digital Business Trends event, Wien.
Pasi, G., Piwowarski, B., Azzopardi, L., Hanbury, A. (2018) Advances in Information Retrieval, Springer LNCS, .
Bhatti, N., Hanbury, A., Stöttinger, J. (2018) Contextual local primitives for binary patent image retrieval, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77-7.
Palotti, J., Zuccon, G., Hanbury, A. (2018) A New Framework for Multidimensional Evaluation of Search Engines, ACM Digital Library, Proc. 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2018).
Hanbury, A. (2018) Sentiment Analysis in Finance, VISS 2018 - Vienna International Summer School on Machine Learning Methods and Data Analytics in Risk and Insurance,, Wien.
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Zamani, H. (2017) Word Embedding Causes Topic Shifting; Exploit Global Context!, ACM, 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Zuccon, G. (2017) Exploration of a Threshold for Similarity based on Uncertainty in Word Embedding, Springer, Cham, Advances in Information Retrieval.
Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2017) Visual Pool: A Tool to Visualize and Interact with the Pooling Method, ACM, Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Andersson, L., Rekabsaz, N., Hanbury, A. (2017) Automatic query expansion for patent passage retrieval using paradigmatic and syntagmatic information, The first WiNLP Workshop co-located with with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017), Vancouver.
Zlabinger, M., Hanbury, A. (2017) Finding duplicate images in biology papers, SAC '17 Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 32nd ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing,
Hanbury, A., Müller, H., Langs, G. (2017) Cloud-Based Benchmarking of Medical Image Analysis, Springer International Publishing, .
Rekabsaz, N., Bierig, R., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A. (2017) Toward Optimized Multimodal Concept Indexing, Journal of Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence (TCCI), 10190-XXVI.
Zlabinger, M., Andersson, L., Brassey, J., Hanbury, A. (2017) Extracting the Population, Intervention, Comparison and Sentiment from Randomized Controlled Trials., Studies in health technology and informatics, 247-,
Andersson, L., Lupu, M., Palotti, J., Hanbury, A. (2016) When is the Time Ripe for Natural Language Processing for Patent Passage Retrieval?, Acm Dl, Proceedings of CIKM,
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Bhaskar, M. (2016) Toward Incorporation of Relevant Documents in word2vec, Neu-IR Workshop at the ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.
Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., Zuccon, G. (2016) Generalizing Translation Models in the Probabilistic Relevance Framework, ACM, CIKM '16 Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.
Zuccon, G., Palotti, J., Hanbury, A. (2016) Query Variations and their Effect on Comparing Information Retrieval Systems, ACM, CIKM '16 Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.