Farokhi, S. (2016) Quality of Service Control Mechanisms in Cloud Computing Environments, , Ph.D. thesis at Institut für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme.
Farokhi, S., Jamshidi, P., Lakew, E., Brandić, I. (2016) A hybrid cloud controller for vertical memory elasticity: A control-theoretic approach, Future Generation Computer Systems, 65-.
Farokhi, S., Lakew, E., Klein, C., Brandić, I. (2015) Coordinating CPU and Memory Elasticity Controllers to Meet Service Response Time Constraints, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing.
Grygorenko, D., Farokhi, S., Brandić, I. (2015) Cost-Aware VM Placement across Distributed DCs using Bayesian Networks, Springer, Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Service.
Farokhi, S., Jamshidi, P., Brandić, I., Elmroth, E. (2015) Self-adaptation Challenges for Cloud-based Applications: A Control Theoretic Perspective, 10th International Workshop on Feedback Computing 2015.
Farokhi, S., Jamshidi, P., Lucanin, D., Brandić, I. (2015) Performance-based Vertical Memory Elasticity, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing.