Csaky, R., Recski, G. (2021) The Gutenberg Dialogue Dataset, The Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume.
Gemes, K., Recski, G. (2021) TUW-Inf at GermEval2021: Rule-based and Hybrid Methods for Detecting Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments, netlibrary, Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Workshop on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments : 17th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2021,

Recski, G., Lellmann, B., Kovacs, A., Hanbury, A. (2021) Explainable Rule Extraction via Semantic Graphs,, Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Text (ASAIL 2021).
Kovacs, A., Gemes, K., Kornai, A., Recski, G. (2020) BMEAUT at SemEval-2020 Task 2: Lexical Entailment with Semantic Graphs, ACL Anthology, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Barcelona, Spain (Online), December 12, 2020.
Recski, G., Kovacs, A., Gemes, K., Ács, J. (2020) BME-TUW at SR´20: Lexical grammar induction for surface realization, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation (MSR´20).