Bauer, W., Kryvinska, N., Dorn, J. (2019) Extending Linked USDL by Trust Assertion, ACM, Proceeedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2019).
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2018) Enhancing Electronic Markets for Industrial Services by Trust Features, Emerald Publishing, Trust in B-to-B contexts: antecedents, processes, and consequences.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) Service Classification at E-markets in the Manufacturing Domain, OMiLAB Verlag, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Serviceology. Short papers and posters.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) System Design of E-Markets for IPSS Purchasing, Elsevier, The 9th CIRP IPSS Conference: Circular Perspectives on Product/Service-Systems,

Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) Trust in Service Purchasing, OMiLAB Verlag, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Serviceology. Short papers and posters.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2017) Modeling Trust for Service E-Marketplaces. Case Study in the Manufacturing Domain, ACM, Proceedings of iiWAS.
Bauer, W., Dorn, J. (2016) Requirements for product-service description at e-marketplaces in the manufacturing domain, Elsevier B.V., Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle,

Bauer, W., Seiringer, W. (2016) Improving PSS Costing based on Customer Integration, Elsevier B.V., Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle,