Georg Kö

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHistorian and Philosopher of Science. Born in 1974. Studied history and an individual combination of subjects (Humanities-IT, History and Philosophy of Science, Cultural and Economic History) in Vienna and Utrecht. His research interests focus on the history of technology, history and epistemology of photography, theory of knowledge and aesthetics in modern times, as well as methodologies and practices of digital environments in the context of cultural studies.

During his career he held several positions in the field of Digital Humanities, including at the University of Vienna, the Historical Commission of the Republic of Austria, the Holocaust Victims’ Information and Support Center of the Jewish Community Vienna and the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies.

Within the framework of the joint research project “Ephemeral Films: National Socialism in Austria” of the Austrian Film Museum, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society, he developed and applied a new methodology for systematic research, structured annotation and presentation of movies by reducing the aesthetics of the medium film to its necessary elements, the unit of the single frame.

Currently he works as a specialist for digital archiving at the archives of the University of Bamberg, Germany.