Foto © Luiza Puiu
Univ. Prof. Dr.
Ivona Brandić
Head of the Research Group on High Performance Computing Systems
Institute of Information Systems Engineering
TU Wien
Favoritenstr. 9-11
2nd floor
Room Nr. HE0224
1040 Vienna
email: ivona[at]
phone: +43 (1) 58801 188761
department secretary: +43 (1) 58801 18808
fax: +43 (1) 58801 18899
consultation hour: e-mail appointment



[Profile] [Research] [Teaching] [Keynotes and invited talks] [Group] [Webcasts] [Publications] [Community activities] [Media Appearance] [Projects]

current R&D projects

Themis - Trustworthy and Sustainable Code Offloading, FWF Standalone Project (2024-2027)
Virtual Shepherd - Satellite-based Monitoring of Livestock in the Alpine Region, FFG Austrian Space Applications Programme ASAP 2022 (2023-2025)
HPQC - High Performance Integrated Quantum Computing, FFG Flagship Project Quantum Austria (2023-2025)
Triton - Transprecise Edge Computing, FWF Standalone Project (2023-2027)
SWAIN - Sustainable Watershed Management Through IoT-Driven Artificial Intelligence, ChistERA (FWF) call 2019 (2021-2024)
DC Digi Twin - Optimization of energy efficiency for IT operations in a data center through data-driven approaches, Wiener Stadtwerke (2024-2025)
TRUST! - Explaining the increasing energy consumption of IT infrastructures (LLM Software, Chat GPT), call Science Communication for next Generation, FWF/ÖAW (2024)
AgriLoRaWAN - LoRaWAN Agricultural Testbench, call SFG Call IdeenReich!, SFG (2024)
IBM Quantum Credits - IBM Quantum Credits for an individual research project on Quantum Machine Learning, call IBM Quantum Credits Program together with Vincenzo De Maio (PI), 2024

past R&D projects

Rucon - Runtime Control in Multi Clouds, FWF START Prize 2015 (2016-2023)
InTraSafEd 5G - Increasing Traffic Safety with Edge and 5G, 5G Challenge City of Vienna
StarCloud - StarCloud, H2020-MSCA-IF-2018

- Holistic Energy Efficient Approach for the Management of Hybrid Clouds, Forschungspreis der TU Wien, 2011
- European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action: IC1305 on Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)
GraDAna Improving Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competencies of Iranian Higher Education Graduates through Data Analytics (Erasmus+)

- Foundations of Self-governing ICT Infrastructures - funded by Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF), ICT call 2008

- European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action: IC0804 on Energy Efficient Large Scale Distributed Systems


- Advanced Models, Applications and Software Systems for High Performance Computing
- A Special Research Program funded by the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
- Grid-Enabled Medical Simulation Services, funded by the European Commission, Framework V Project No. IST-2001-37153
- Amadeus - A Holistic Service-oriented Environment for Grid Workflows

- S-CUBE - Software Services & Systems Network - Network of Excellence (NoE)
- A prototype framework for Grid-enabling native HPC applications.
- Enhanced Medical Image Reconstruction in a Grid Environment

Last changed: 24.05.2024