Goldfarb, D., Arends, M., Froschauer, J., Weingartner, M. (2014) Collectivizing the Barr Model, Leonardo, 47-3.
Arends, M., Weingartner, M., Froschauer, J., Goldfarb, D. (2012) Learning about Art History by Exploratory Search, Contextual View and Social Tags, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies,

Arends, M., Goldfarb, D., Merkl, W., Weingartner, M. (2011) Museums on the Web: Interaction with Visitors, IGI Global, Handbook of Research on Technologies and Cultural Heritage: Applications and Environments.
Froschauer, J., Arends, M., Goldfarb, D., Weingartner, M. (2011) Designing Serious Games in a Socio-Cultural Context, EdITLib Digital Library for Education & Information Technology, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2011.
Froschauer, J., Arends, M., Goldfarb, D., Weingartner, M. (2011) Designing Socio-Cultural Learning Games: Challenges and Lessons Learned, IEEE CS Press, International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2011).
Weingartner, M., Arends, M., Froschauer, J., Goldfarb, D. (2011) Tag Analysis of an Art Folksonomy, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts - EVA 2011 Berlin.
Arends, M., Goldfarb, D., Merkl, W., Weingartner, M. (2009) Interaction With Art Museums On The Web, IADIS Press, Proceedings of the IADIS Int'l Conference WWW/Internet 2009.
Arends, M., Goldfarb, D., Merkl, W., Weingartner, M. (2009) Mobile Devices in a Museum Environment, The Second International Workshop on Information Technology and Tourism and Open Mobile Networks San Sebastian, Spain, San Sebastian.